I'm New

Welcome To Brooklife
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’ve come from, Brooklife Church is a place for everyone to experience the love of Jesus. Our worship gatherings are a time for us to connect with each other and to God. We have two identical services on Sundays at 8:45 & 10:30am. Experiencing a church for the first time is both exciting and scary so check out some information to hopefully make you feel like Brooklife can be your place!

Brooklife 101
Meet staff, learn more about us, ask questions and tour the building while enjoying lunch.

Who We Are
A church in Mukwonago trying to be a light in our community and world.

Get Involved!
No matter where you are in your faith, we have a place for you to get connected.
What To Expect
It’s never easy to visit a church for the first time so here’s what to expect:
- We suggest you arrive 10-15 minutes early your first time
- Feel free to grab a spot in our Guest Parking. It will be ahead on your right when you pull into the lot off of Highway 83.
- Expect our friendly, welcoming Guest Services team to greet you! If you feel ready, let us know you are a first timer, and we will give you the lay of the land. If you prefer, make note of our Welcome Center on the right and then stop by after service. If you have children, we highly recommend arriving 15-20 minutes early so you can get your kids checked into Kidlife.
- Before you head to the Auditorium, grab some freshly brewed coffee, tea or water in our Café (to the left when you walk in). The restrooms are just beyond the Café.
- Find a seat in the Auditorium before the service begins. Ushers are available to assist if you need it. Check out the slides on the screen before service to get an idea of what’s going on at Brooklife. We kick off our services promptly at 8:45 and 10:30 so that we can get you out on time.
(If you have children, we highly recommend arriving 15-20 minutes early so you can check out our Kidlife area and get your kids all set.)
Wear some clothes. Seriously, dress like you. There’s no expectation about how you have to look. In fact, you’ll see that the vast majority of people are casual.
- We always have music that is upbeat, fun, and contemporary. We provide lyrics on the screen so feel free to worship with us, hum along or just enjoy the music. You may see some folks raising their hands but don't feel like you have to. The worship portion of the service lasts about 30 minutes. If you would like to listen to some of the songs we sing, check out our Spotify Playlist.
- One of our pastors will welcome you and tell you about some next steps you can take as well as some highlights of what is going on at Brooklife.
- The messages are always relevant, straightforward, and applicable to life today whether you're a Christ follower or not.
- The whole experience lasts between 60-75 minutes.
As part of our weekly services, we have a time of offering. If you are a guest, please do not feel any pressure or obligation to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attendees, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work He is doing in their lives and to allow Brooklife to be a place for everyone to experience Jesus’ love. If you do feel called to give, you may drop your offering in the boxes at the back of the Auditorium or at the exits as you leave. Offering envelopes are available in the seat back pockets. The other option, especially if you join us online, is to text GIVE to 262-203-9112.
Being a new mom is exhausting, and sometimes you feel you’re barely hanging on (hang in there—you’ll make it!). You and your baby are always welcome. If you’re ready for it, our Nursery is clean and inviting and is staffed by caring volunteers who will take great care of your baby. And that gives you a break to enjoy the service! If you are not ready for that, you are welcome to bring your baby into the Auditorium. If your baby needs a break, you can head to the Café where you can watch a live feed of the service. If you need a little more privacy, just ask one of our Guest Services team members to show you to our Wiggle Room which also has a live feed of the service as well as more privacy to nurse.
We understand how precious your children are, and we take great care to make sure that they are safe at all times. When you drop off and pick up your kids, there is a check-in & out process to make sure every kid is safe. Also, every environment is supervised by qualified volunteers who have submitted to a background check and have been trained by our staff.
You are welcome to bring your kids into the Auditorium until you are comfortable bringing them to Kidlife; however, you may want to bring a quiet activity for them, and since we talk about real life, messages are not always kid-friendly.
Learn about KidlifeOnce your children are middle school age and older, we feel it is important for them to attend Sunday services. This will provide you an opportunity for great discussions with them afterwards. Don’t worry…if we feel a specific message is not appropriate for them, we will let you know.
Our Student Ministries exist to provide students grades 6th-12th with an environment where they can encounter God while connecting with others and becoming empowered to change the world. Studentlife meets on Sunday nights from 6:00-8:00pm.
As a guest during the service, you will be encouraged to fill out a Get Connected Card. We encourage you to visit the Welcome Center after service to drop off your card and receive a free gift. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Brooklife. If you are not ready to connect yet, we can just give you your gift, and you can be on your way. Then when you are ready, you can connect with us during another visit.
We also host Brooklife 101 once a quarter. This a great opportunity to learn more about Brooklife, what we believe and how to get involved as well to meet some of our staff and take a tour of the building (and eat some yummy food). Click to register.
Brooklife is equipped with a Hearing Loop to assist with hearing aids. Hearing aid listeners – switch the hearing aid or cochlear implant to the telecoil position. Those without a hearing aid can request a headset/receiver. For more information, watch the video.
We understand not everyone feels comfortable worshiping in person. We get it! Or perhaps you don't live in the area. Either way, we want you to feel like Brooklife is your place. You can join us live at 8:45 or 10:30 either online or on Facebook or YouTube. All of our past sermons are available here.
We would love to connect with you and get to know you better. You can get involved by serving even if you are not attending in person. Make sure to stay connected during the week by following us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
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SIGN ME UP!Take The Next Step!
We’d love to help you take your next step in discovering all God has for you. Step out in faith, and allow God to do what only He can!