
Men's Ecclesiastes Thursday Morning Study

Thursday, January 12, 2023
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM

 “Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless!” 

The book of Ecclesiastes begins with this bleak exclamation of futility. Throughout the book, Solomon provides a discourse on the futility of earthly pursuits, and the inevitable end all creatures will face: death and judgment before God. He exhorts younger generations to take joy in honest work and simple pleasures, to enjoy their youth, and to ultimately fear God and keep his commandments. 

This study will provide an overview of Ecclesiastes over 12 weeks. Each week will examine a different passage and a main theme based on that passage. In addition, each week of the study will include one or more passages from the New Testament to show the hope, purpose, and meaning that are redeemed through Jesus.

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