
Starting Point Short-Term Group

January 17, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Are you curious about God, Jesus, the Bible or Christianity? Did you recently begin a relationship with Jesus? Have you returned to church after some time away? If you answered yes to any of those, Starting Point is for you! It is an 8-week conversation where you can discuss your questions or concerns about faith—free from pressure and judgment.

Let's be honest...conversations about faith are usually off-limits. It's gotten to the point where the church can be the last place you would think to have a conversation about God. We want to change that. Starting Point is a place where no questions or discussions are off-limits. It's not about a teacher giving you information. It's about a conversation. 

This course is part of our Growth Path Series (GPS) and is appropriate for Explorers. 

In-person childcare is offered for children under 12 years old. Childcare Reimbursement is available as an option.