Mom's Small Group - Thursday Morning
Moms gather to share joys and challenges and strive to be the moms God designed them to be. We are excited to offer two day/time options as well as two study track options for Thursday mornings! Choose the one that works best for you!
In-person childcare or Childcare Reimbursement are available for both options.
Cost is dependent on which studies you plan to participate in. The deadline for us to order books is August 29. You can also purchase your own books.
Monday Night Moms | Starting September 9 | 6-7:30pm
(Sept-Dec) The Sixth Truths of Motherhood
(starting in Jan) The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa TerKeurst
(starting in Spring) It's All Under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot Was Possible by Jennifer Dukes Lee
Thursday Morning Moms | Starting September 12 | 9-11:00am
Bible Study Option:
(Sept-Dec) The Sixth Truths of Motherhood
(starting in Jan) The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa TerKeurst
(starting in Spring) It's All Under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot Was Possible by Jennifer Dukes Lee
Apologetics Option:
(Sept-Dec) Abide: A Study of 1, 2, and 3 John by Jen Wilkin
(Jan-May) God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe by J. Warner Wallace
Featured Events
Here are some events happening soon! Click on any image to register, sign up, volunteer or learn more.